Wireless & Microwave
●Circulators and Isolators
●Clocks and Timing
●Control Products
●Former Wolfspeed RF Power Products
●Frequency Conversion
●Frequency Generator
●Front End Modules
●GaAs/GaN Transistors
●Multifunction ICs & Modules
●POE and ProSLIC
●RF Power Products
●RF Switches
Optical Telecom
●ROADM and Wavelength Management
Optical IC & Photonics
Optical Control IC
Industrial Lasers
Network Tester
Industrial Lasers

- Picosecond/Femtosecond Laser
- Nanosecond Q-Switched DPSS
Low Power CW Lasers
A wide selection of gas and CW DPSS lasersGas LasersAir-cooled argon-ion laser
Visible multi and single lines including 488nm, up to 75mwHelium-neon lasers
632.8nm, up to 10’s mwCW Solid StateDirect and fiber-coupled, low noise, compact solid state laser technologies with a selection of wavelengths in the near IR and visible spectrum 10’s-100’s mw
Quasi-CWCompact diode-pumped, solid state, picosecond laser
100 MHZ repetition rate (quasi-cw)
Up to 150mw
- Microchip Laser
- Powerchip Laser
- IR, green, UV Pico and femtosecond
- Microprocessing applications
- UV and green nanosecond lasers Microprocessing
- 10—100’s KHZ rep rates
- Up to 40W UV
- Ultrashort pulses deep into the sub-ns with durations as low as 100ps
- Excellent beam quality (gaussian, TEM00, M²≤1.2)
- Hight peak power up to 200kW per pulse
- Excellent beam quality (gaussian, TEM00, M²≤1.2)